Youtube Downloader HD 5.8.4

Youtube Downloader HD  I learned about the release of a new version of the small program that does not require money from you, but giving you a way the

Youtube Downloader HD :

Youtube Downloader HD  I learned about the release of a new version of the small program that does not require money from you, but giving you a way the opportunity to upload any video files from the most popular video hosting called YouTube. To manage a small number of settings will be able even a user who does not just know English, who first sat down at the computer and decided to download the video, try download Youtube Downloader HD from our project and make sure of it yourself. After launching the program, you need to open the browser, find the video that you liked so much that you would like to save it, then you need to copy the link to it and insert the program window, then you need to specify the quality of the video that you want to get, if of course this is supported by the video itself.

Youtube Downloader HD is able to save videos in the standard quality of the FLV, there is support for AVI format, MP4 also supports, often this format is responsible for high-definition video and it is compatible with different communicators and players, you can save video in the AVI HD 720 and 1080p. That’s essentially all the existing settings of the program, you will agree that anyone can understand them.

If you look at the interface, what you see on the screenshot and there is everything you will receive after the launch of Youtube Downloader HD – additional settings and the program does not have any chips, everything is as clear and strictly on the case as clear and strictly. There is no Russian support either, I think it really is not needed here. Registration program does not require, which is already pleasing, and in this version the appearance was greatly changed, as far as I remember in version 2.5 everything looked quite dull.

So, I forgot to finish, you, of course, you need to specify where the video should be saved on your hard drive, I think here everyone will decide for himself, this path program will remember and will always focus on it. In general, the development of this type is not very popular on the network, as each of us uses the manager of downloads, and he knows how to intercept streaming data from almost all sites, including music, and here only Youtube, but there is support for HD, in some programs for this they ask for money, in general I consider all this to a tough amateur who is against managers for some reason. In general, I really have nothing to add about Youtube Downloader HD, I wonder how I could write so much, there are almost no settings, the interface is simple, the address was typed, chose the quality, wait for the download, that’s all that I really needed to write to me.

Language: English
Size: 40 MB
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