XnConvert 1.100.1

XnConvert is software to convert and resize photos in batch by drag-and-drop file simple. XnConvert is a photo processing app multi-platform powerful with more than 500 image formats, different is support and inheritance features batch image processing from XnViewWP.

XnConvert – change image size

The main features of XnConvert

  • Support all image format now includes more than 500 different formats
  • Drag and drop file easy selection of photos to convert
  • Support batch conversion, save effort and time
  • Clean interface, does not contain advertising as a number of other free software.
  • Compatible all versions of windows operating system. Including windows 10 latest.
Developer: Pierre E Googleet + Password to all archives: rsload
Language: Multi +
Download XnConvert 1.01.0 + key free (commercial version) / 1.01.0 Repack Dodakaedr / 1.96 + x64 + Portable