Windows 11 24H2 Pro for every day Build 26100.2033 – iso 2.6 GB

The Windows 11 24H2 Pro collection for every day pleases its users by the fact that it cannot be attributed to some game releases, super light and other others that we are accustomed to see. If you just need a workhorse that will be trouble-free of trouble for many years, if you do not want to know problems, play, watch movies, sit on the Internet, perform any operations and enjoy, I advise you to look at this release. Everything is set to the ideal state, you will find maximum speed and stability, issued full control over all parameters. Windows 11 24H2 Professional torrent download is not required, seven different mirrors are available in the news below for downloading and torrent file is not relevant, the maximum return speed at any time. After installing the operating system and quickly starting, you will receive an OS without surveillance in any form, no brakes and freezes, no trash, about all this in more detail below, and everyone who is already interested, downloading the release.

System requirements for successful launch:

  • In order to enjoy everything without problems, two cores are required and 2 GHz frequencies and successful start you are guaranteed, of course 64 bits do not forget
  • On account of RAM, old story, if I would briefly advise from 4 gigabytes in access to, you can and start with 2, but you know, we run any software and now there is no memory, so you need a stock of spare
  • On the hard disk at least 20 gigabytes, the system after unpacking takes a little more than 10 GB the rest according to your needs
  • Of course, the circumvention of any restrictions is present, I assume about TPM, it is not necessary to comply with anything, you can put the operating force on any PC
  • If you want to launch new toys, but the video card of course should be powerful, and in general, if the DX9 is supported, then there will be no problems
  • The monitor is not important, the resolution is still 1280 at least, otherwise it will be difficult to navigate
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Recording on USB, updating drivers:

Please note, write iso Windows 11 24H2 Pro on a flash drive I would advise this time exclusively through the UltraISO program – we are present on the site. You need to put the system only on a clean, formatted HDD or SSD, do not try to install the build on top of your already existing operating system. The second thing you need to know is to put drivers and updates for futures, you need to handle, that is, they will not automatically pick up themselves, this is plus since the CF is not cut, it works, and without you, nothing will happen, so it is not difficult to tight up with drivers for any iron.

Activation of the system, if you have HDD:

If the installation occurs on HDD – then after launching my advice to perform defragmentation of the disk, in general, this is a quick process, but believe the response increase will be noticed. Activation from you, that is, automatically or on the desktop there will be no medicine, you yourself load the right and then perform activation. I would advise you to download KMS38 – the link is active, press, load, unpack, start, select activation, then wait for the process to be completed. There is nothing complicated, antiviruses will not quagmire, this is a big plus, as beginners can be frightened by seeing a threat.

Telemetry that was turned off:

In fact, everything that can clearly harm the system, slow it down, does not play any role for you with you, all this was removed, or simply blocked or disable if it allows you to easily perform this operating system. Privacy is preserved and here it is not worth worrying, there is no synchronization, advertising is disabled, notifications will not be disturbed. Modules from the store, additional advertising from installed programs, parasitic settings, full block, we will enjoy. Of course, do not worry that all this will lead to difficulties and mistakes in work, this will not be, without fanaticism, full control, full return without harm to the core system.

 Windows 11 24H2 Pro 26100.2033 Rus

What changes await you:

  • The original from Microsoft is not distinguished by optimization, I am not talking about controlling the processes, in this assembly all issues are solved, full access is open to you everywhere
  • Everything that slowed the system was put into rest
  • Edge browser is present, cleaned from surveillance, blocked tricky processes
  • The redesigned anti-temette module, Microsoft Defender is disabled without the ability to return it back, but everything is done correctly, without tails that often remain in other assemblies, nothing causes problems in the future
  • Full and close compatibility with any processes, all kernels will work on a common cause
  • Windows Update Center makes it possible to download drivers for any device
  • The collection of Windows 11 24H2 Pro x64 Rus is put without problems with minimal questions, fast unpacking and running on any iron, the main thing to meet the requirements above
  • Telemetry is blocked, and the storage of components is available, a small trick that allows this to be carried out, a large plus
  • On the desktop there are no extra labels, garbage removed from the Start menu, all folders from rubbish are cleaned
  • The search is performed a little faster due to the revised index, it will not affect the performance in general
  • If you are a fan of the standard Windows Media Player, then be happy, it is left and available for work, not really a player that can perceive most of the modern video and audio formats
  • If you are a gamer, you will be satisfied to learn that even with a serious load, the system will behave as adequately as possible, including with your game hardware, thanks to the mode settings and primary drivers

For fans of updates Release Preview is dedicated, I would not advise to do this, the performance of this build in such layouts will not be guaranteed, so wait for the better than an official pack, Tuesday is not over the mountains, then you can safely roll your updates.

What components have been removed:

  • Cloud known as OneDrive will no longer interfere with you, will not hang in the car and remind you of yourself, everything is completely cleaned
  • Component People, I don’t think anyone really used it, but telemetry does not sleep, so it’s a date.
  • The Map application will not hang in the context menu, who needs a map can see it through Yandex or Google
  • Cortana is not available, in Russia it is not at all, but the search works flawlessly and even faster than in the standard
  • All applications from the box are the same Metro, also removed, the store itself is the Store is removed. Standard software full slaps which few users use, everything slows down, yes for advertising, this kind of good is not needed. Everything related to the Xbox service has been removed, in Russia without special means it refuses to work and there is no benefit from it
  • If you want to return the store back, you just need to run a cmdtka command line and enter the wsreset -i team further click On The input and wait a little, but note that there is no guarantee that the programs loaded from there will work perfectly, as most of them need telemetry that is blocked.
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Some important features:

Initially, it is worth not forgetting that the goal of the ISo assembly for each day Windows 11 Pro x64 Rus to allow users to get an excellent, optimized operating system, one of the most reliable options that will work steadily and uninterruptedly for a long time. Each user can customize the assembly for changing the parameters that you have access to at the highest level.

All important background processes will work, the entire slak is disabled. Smolo and fast work is guaranteed, among other things, through multi-level re-exabling and changes in system settings with a view of stability. If you are an outly of those users who appreciate privacy, you will definitely appreciate this release.  If you are a gamer, then of course no one forgot about you, the increased frame rate compared to most other ass, you are guaranteed.

Thanks to the addition of the necessary group policies, we can safely say that the carved telemetry will not show the desire to get to your system again. However, installing third-party software, be prepared for the fact that different types of advertising can get into the OS, here no one will give you a guarantee, we are talking about built-in components of Microsoft.

Pay attention to the fact that a lot of left or simply strange tewers were not used, which create the appearance of optimization, but in fact simply perform their own small settings, including which can accumulate and lead to glumps. Exclusively on the case without fanaticism, the assembly turned into a particularly fast and from the start of the desktop you are waiting for only about 70 running processes, which is quite small for Windows 11.

What was added:

  • Of course, it was not without the Net Framework component with version 2 to 3.5
  • An old calculator was added as in Windows 7 and old media player
  • Added portable portable utility for cleaning the disk from garbage, it should be run once in a few days, done this through the Start menu
  • Pictures can be viewed through Photo Viewer from the Seventh, it also works, works great, if you look at the pictures and everything, quite enough
  • The refresh price can be turned on and off completely, it is done through the start, there is a program to switch, I would leave as it is, just manual mode is enough

Let’s briefly about what was blocked or completely disabled:

  • No history of the files or folder viewed will be conducted
  • All cloud services are off
  • All synchronization is disabled
  • Lenka news from the launch is removed, weather, remote assistant and other delusions off
  • All attempts of the system to communicate with Microsoft servers are disabled
  • There is no built-in Windows Hello, there is no lock camera, you can put a shorter password, but you can not take it face
  • UAC does not work but return, the hidden collection of information is blocked
  • Place for storage of update cleft, software type screen recording no
  • All advertising tails in Edge are disabled
  • Built-in protectors he is Defender removed as his tails in the registry, it will not be possible to return it
  • All Xbox components are off
  • There is nothing in the autoload and will not climb without your knowledge

In fact, all this can be listed for a very long time, but the conclusion is one – the assembly of Windows 11 professional will appeal to everyone, from a hacker and gamer, to a simple user and a professional video editor and photo. Optimization at a height, stability is pleasing, there are no blue screens of death, any stability has not been broken, only improved, the store can be returned, activation by your methods, the built-in antivirus is disabled, nothing of you with Microsoft servers does not associate, the size of just over 2 gigabytes, installation on SSD as quickly as possible without unnecessary questions.

Shop Retlen, can be returned via wsreset -i
Activation No, reference to a verified activator in the news
Defender Utalt
Telemetry Turned off any attempt to break into the OS
Setting up for games Abyss
Search Works
Size iso 2.6 gigabytes

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