VideoCacheView 3.10

I think it’s no secret for us all that after we view any video on the Internet, it is stored in the browser cache through which we actually sit, after which, if you manage to find it, the video can be viewed without connecting to the Internet, this is certainly convenient, but to facilitate the search in the browser cache you can use a small utility, and you can in full news.

You need very little, we start the development, then automatically go to scan the cache installed in the browser system, after you will have a list of video clips and some other information, you can find out more about this by viewing the screenshots, in particular, learn when you have seen the video, in which browser and so on.

VideoCacheView has a very simple interface, in fact, as with all the utilos from this developer, the Russian language file is already inside the archive, so after the program launch, you do not have to choose anything. After you find the video, it can be copied to any place on the hard drive, you can of course use and job managers who can save video from almost any site, this is already the business of everyone.

There is nothing special to tell you about the VideoCacheView program, there are not so many additional settings, almost all of them you can see again from screenshots, there are of course there are certainly advanced options, but there is practically nothing to do.

Developer: Nir Sofer
Password to all archives: rsload
Size: 248 KB
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