Run-Command 6.22 + x64 + Portable

Before you is a small portable program that is created to become an excellent replacement for the standard Windows function called “Exerd” –

Run Command Portable :

Before you is a small portable program that is created to become an excellent replacement for the standard Windows function called “Exerd” – naturally you will get much more opportunities here, and after the launch it is visible immediately, Download Run-Command You can be lower.

For example, from the main window you can immediately run the item you need on behalf of the Administrator, under the input line there are 5 icons that give quick access to frequent elements, such as the registry editor and so on. You will be able to add to your favorites of the chosen teams, so that later you do not stuff them every time. You can group your teams into categories, it is also very convenient. Run-Command has a very small size, I hope it will be useful to you.

Developer: Nenad Hrg
Language: Multi + Russian
Size: 944 KB
Download Run-Command 6.22 Free