RegCool 2.020 full

RegCool – long thought to add this program to the site, in front of you a powerful tool that allows you to edit the registry of the Windows operating system. Please note that it is not easy and often dangerous to work with a registry, so it is better to use this utility only by experienced users. You will be able to view and edit registry records, compare and export them, and create backup copies of all information stored there.

In the installation process, there are no problems (there is a portable option, does not require installation, unpacked and work), there are no offers to download third-party products or change certain settings of the web browser, do not worry about it. The user interface is quite standard and consists of three panels in which you can view registry folders, view their contents and access log files. As experienced and novice users can easily work with the app without facing any difficulties.

In the full news you will have the opportunity to download the latest version of the program RegCool – plus there is a portable version, all this can be downloaded for free, clicking on the link, receiving an archive, using. The Russian version is present, as you see, so it is easy to navigate with the settings, I think also will not have problems for most users.

Software allows you to view different information in the list of records, for example, you can find out the name, meaning, type, size and time for each registry section. This means that after you have double-clicked on the record, you can change its value. In addition to this, you can open a new registry window (an interface with multiple tabs is supported), activate the connection to the network registry, import and export entries (reG or HTML format), and download and unload the husks (sections).

You can also use the “Repeat” and “Repeat” buttons, it is possible to customize the permissions, view the properties of the key, view the story, create a list of the chosen one and search by the selected key or the entire registry. In addition, the RegCool program will allow you to create backup copies and restore the registry, compare registries and pictures, access the registry editor, import the chosen Regedut and set up general parameters.

The program uses very few system resources, easy and easy, there is no dispute. RegCool is a very interesting and good development for editing the Windows registry.


  • You can perform several cancellations and repetitions. – The cancellation history can be saved to the disk and reboot at launch.
  • Search and replacement – Search and replacement of registry, values and data sections using an ultra-fat search algorithm. You can search for the entire registry in about ten seconds on a regular PC!
  • Compare – Compare the registry between computers with super fast speed.
  • RegShot-Function – Regshot allows you to quickly take a picture of the registry, and then compare it with the second image taken after making system changes or installing a new software product.
  • Cut, copy and insert – cut, copy and insert keys and registry values.
  • Drop and deletion – by dragging you can quickly move or copy keys and registry values.
  • Backup and recovery – Full backup and restoration of the registry.
  • Defragmentation – Scan and optimize the registry by removing spaces and unused space, thereby helping to improve system performance. If you choose to defragment the registry after the scan results, be prepared to restart your computer.
  • The management of the elect is a simple and flexible management of the chosen.
  • Several local registry windows – allow you to open several local registry windows.
  • Protected registry keys – allows you to open secure registry keys when working with administrator rights.
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