Passmark MonitorTest – the program is a test for assessing the quality of CRT, LCD and plasma monitors.
The principle of operation is as follows – the user is shown sequentially specially made images in different resolutions and at different colors. It is assumed that on the basis of testing, the user will be able to choose the optimal settings for their monitor. It is worth noting the presence in the test mode of output on the screen of the same color to search for broken pixels in LCD monitors and TVs.
Features :
• Exascage the quality and performance of computer monitors or flat LCD screens.
• Creates 35 test templates. Increation of touch screens and HDRs.
• Support all available permits and color depth.
• Script testing
• Support systems with multiple monitors
• Launched from USB drive
OS: Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11
Download PassMark MonitorTest 4.0 Build 1002 (7.4 MB):
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