Do you want to improve your writing skills? If yes, you may be interested in the extension Linguix Grammar Checker and Text Rewriter. Suitable for Chrome
Linguix Grammar Checker and Text Rewriter :
Do you want to improve your writing skills? If yes, you may be interested in the extension Linguix Grammar Checker and Text Rewriter. Suitable for Chrome browser (description for this version), Firefox, Edge, Android and Safari, the goal is to help you become the best writer.
One of the main advantages is the opportunity to find and eliminate spelling errors in your English texts, wherever you write, whether on social networks, email or even in Google Docs. It’s like having a personal editor at hand!
Linguix also has a written assistant based on artificial intelligence, which in real time checks the grammar on all your favorite sites. This means that as you set up the text, the program will highlight any grammatical errors and offer suggestions for correcting them. This feature can significantly save time and help you avoid annoying mistakes.
Another wonderful function of the supplement is the rewriter of the text. It offers alternative phrases and sentences to make your text more understandable and fascinating. This can be especially helpful if you tend to use the same words or phrases many times, or if you want to make your speech more dynamic.
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Download Linguix Grammar Checker and Text Rewriter 1.6.126 for free for Chrome (for other browsers) – a free account on the site is required to work
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