CrushFTP MultiOS

CrushFTP is a powerful file server supporting standard secure file transfer protocols. FTP, FTPS SFTP, HTTP, HTTPS, SSH Tunnel, SCP WebDAV, WebDAV SSL. It

CrushFTP MultiOS :

CrushFTP is a powerful file server supporting standard secure file transfer protocols.

FTP, FTPS SFTP, HTTP, HTTPS, SSH Tunnel, SCP WebDAV, WebDAV SSL. It provides temporary access to
folders and files and log viewers, as well as extensions, management of users, graphs, statistics, and alerts.

Runs on almost everything: macOS 10.9+/11/12+, Win2012+, Linux, Solaris, BSD, Unix, etc!
Any OS that can run Java 8 at a minimum can run CrushFTP.

One of the more powerful areas of CrushFTP is the WebInterface. It allows for simple file transfers for users with only the use of a web browser.
All major browsers are supported. You can customize the colors, logos, styles, and with your own custom javascript, you can change virtually any other aspect too.

More Info 


Thanks to DVT release


(Installer with medicine) x86 x64

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