Telegram Desktop Messenger 5.13.0 + Portable


Telegram Desktop is an instant messaging service and voice over IP services on the cloud platform. Client application Telegram is available for Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Windows NT, macOS, and Linux. Users can send messages and exchange photos, videos, stickers, audio …

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Element 1.11.95


Long wanted to add Element – this is a great open source messenger for the Matrix project, which promises a particularly high data security, as many assure, you can communicate and not worry that you are being listened to. So, …

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InstaBot Pro – v7.1.5

InstaBot Pro

InstaBot PRO is a software designed to automate your “likes”, search for new followers profiled by similar accounts and get real followers interested in your content. InstantBot PRO is a professional marketing tool that will allow you to revitalize your …

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TikTok Bot Pro – v3.6.1

TikTok Bot Pro

TikTok Bot – the program was created to help you expand your presence on the popular video sharing platform TikTok. As a person who has never been there I can tell you everything, of course, but we are talking about …

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FBCacheView – v1.23

FBCacheView v

A simple utility, which, as always, does not require installation, because it is from Nir Sofer, capable of crawling browser cache IE, FireFox, Chrome, and then displays all the images from the pages of the social network of Facebook that …

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eM Client Pro – v10.2.1712

eM Client Pro Portable

eM Client Pro is an email app full features with modern interface. eM Client offers calendar, tasks, contacts and chat. Software is best Email app for windows today. eM Client supports all major services including Gmail, Exchange, iCloud and …

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Viber for Windows


Viber for Windows Whether it’s going to work, school, or just running errands, people are always on the move compared to one decade ago. With everyone so busy, it’s hard to find time to sit down and have a chat …

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Raffle Companion 1.5.0 x64

Raffle Companion x

If you are a streamer and there is a desire to reward subscribers with funny jokes? Then read the review further, perhaps the program will be useful. Managing this case should be a simple event, especially if you have full …

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64Gram 1.1.53

Gram telegram

Are you looking for a convenient way to communicate with your friends via Telegram on your desktop? Pay attention to the alternative client 64Gram, an unofficial application for PC that provides the functionality of Telegram directly at the tips of …

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TexSender Pro 8.9.1

TexSender Pro

TexSender Pro is a convenient software designed to simplify the process of sending Telegram messages directly from your computer. You will think of such, and why do we need it, there is an official client, there is a web version, …

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Snapchat Lens Studio 5.3.0

Snapchat Lens Studio

The AR-First developer platform. With a powerful set of features to fuel creativity, if you can dream it, you can build it. Create viral selfie lenses and shoppable experimental experiences, or develop unprecedented ways to connect with the world around …

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Before you are the most popular program that has closed source code, its essence is to ensure the transmission of encrypted voice and video communication over the Internet, you will naturally transmit data between computers. By paying you can make …

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TexApi Plus 4.6.0 Pro

TexApi Plus Pro

TexApi Plus is a software (for Windows) designed to do Telegram Marketing using the official Telegram API. It is used to send invitations and mass messages to your Telegram Group or Channel Best Telegram Marketing Software. Features of TexApi Plus …

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Discord for Windows PC v1.0.9003

Discord for Windows PC v

Free Download Discord for Windows PC ; it is a popular communication app widely used by gamers and non-gamers. It is a platform that allows you to chat, voice, and video call with other users. Discord is available on multiple platforms, …

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WhatBot Plus 4.6.3

WhatBot Plus

WhatBot Plus  is a software designed for those who want to automate the sending of Whatsapp messages directly from their PC in a simple and effective way. Dynamic Chatbots Show the user several options to choose from (dynamic navigation menu) …

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Pidgin 2.14.14 / OTR 4.0.2

pidgin100 100

In front of you is a rather interesting Internet pager, which enjoys a lot of interest, but he has his user. Immedially I ask you to pay attention to this, he supports the work in different protocols, starting from ICQ …

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Evaer Video Recorder for Skype


Evaer Skype and WhatsApp recorder supports video call recording with options such as Picture-in-Picture, Side-by-Side (landscape and portrait), Separate video files, Remote Webcam-only, and Local Webcam-only mode. Features of Evaer Video Recorder for Skype High-Quality Recording Multiple Recording Modes Direct …

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