Advanced Installer 22.2

Advanced Installer

Advanced Installer – an application by which developers and system administrators will be able to easily create installation packages in MSI format. The program operates under Windows XP/Vista/7/8, and the packages created with it can be used to deploy applications …

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Wing IDE Pro 10.0.9

Download Wing IDE Pro 10 – Integrated development environment to create applications using the Python language provides a code editor professional Wing IDE Pro: Wing IDE Pro is a integrated development environment to create applications using the Python language. Wing …

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VovSoft HTML Stripper 2.4

VovSoft HTML Stripper

VovSoft HTML Stripper is a free tool for removing HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). Remove HTML and formatting from your text. This software provides a quick and easy way to convert formatted text. This tool is an HTML code separator that …

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Kali Linux 2025.1a

Kali Linux 2025.1a contains a wide range of hacker tools and utilities (password attacks, sniffing and spoofing, reverse engineering, …). Foreign WiFi/WLAN attacks (wireless attacks) and more. Kali is designed for digital forensics and penetration testing. Kali, the most advanced …

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راديو العفاسي أذكار الصباح

سكربت اذكار الصباح والمساء لموقعك

راديو العفاسي أذكار الصباح: مصدرك الروحي لكل يوم جديد يعد “راديو العفاسي” من أفضل الوسائل التي يلجأ إليها المسلمون للاستماع إلى القرآن الكريم والأدعية والآيات التي تذكر بالله سبحانه وتعالى، حيث يقدم للمستمعين باقة من الأذكار والآيات القرآنية التي تساهم …

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سكربت اذكار الصباح والمساء لموقعك

سكربت اذكار الصباح والمساء لموقعك

تعد الأذكار اليومية جزءًا مهمًا من حياة المسلم، فهي تمنح الإنسان طمأنينة وسكينة وتزيد من قربه من الله. إذا كنت تبحث عن طريقة سهلة لتذكر أذكار الصباح والمساء دون عناء، فإن استخدام سكربت مخصص لهذه الأذكار هو الحل الأمثل. في …

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SAPIEN PrimalScript 2025 8.1.216

PrimalScript is the next generation of our industry-leading Universal Script Environment. As a system, database or network administrator, web developer, or end-user developer, you need to work with multiple technologies, languages, and file formats at the same time. The ribbon …

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Database Tour Pro – v11.3.7.775

Database Tour Pro

Database Tour Pro application is a comprehensive software that allows you to organize all the database is connected his. It provides support for Borland Database Engine (BDE) and Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), SQL scripts, reports, along with conversion and …

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Perfinity dotNET Runtime Analyzer – v9.0.5

Perfinity dotNET Runtime Analyzer

Perfinity dotNET Runtime Analyzer is a powerful line-level pattern analyzer that provides functionality to identify performance bottlenecks in applications. In contrast to the classic .NET profiler, it allows users to analyze processes using native code. Therefore, performance issues caused by …

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Resource Hacker – v5.2.8.448

Resource Hacker

Resource Hacker (also known as ResHacker or ResHack) is a powerful resource editor software that allows you to edit (add, delete, rename, extract, replace, or modify) system resources Windows files. It can be used to edit system files or Windows-based …

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Filmworkz Phoenix – v1.006

Filmworkz Phoenix v

The Filmworkz Phoenix Ministry of products provides world-class restoration tools for the most demanding jobs. With the DVO technology that has won many of our awards, Phoenix is designed to produce great results quickly with fewer handicrave interventions. With a …

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.NET Reactor – v7.0.0.0

NET Reactor

.NET Reactor is a powerful code protection and software licensing system for software written for the .NET Framework and supports all languages ​​that generate . NET. When you compile a program written for the Microsoft .NET framework, the program you …

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PVS-Studio – v7.35.89811.1688


PVS-Studio is a powerful program for analyzing and searching for errors and weak security spaces in the source code written in C, C++, C # and Java. The application performs a static code analysis and creates a report that helps …

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WYSIWYG Web Builder – v20.0.5

WYSIWYG Web Builder v

WYSIWYG Web Builder With this easy to appeal program, you can create a fairly high level of web pages for your site, and the program will automatically create the desired HTML code, you just need to in the main window …

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phpMyAdmin 5.2.2


I want to introduce you to one of the best web applications with open source, which, among other words, is written in PHP. So, this application is a user-friendly interface for the full administration of MySQL (free database management system …

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Anti-Hacker v13.0

Anti-Hacker v

Anti-Hacker is designed to make your computer hacker-proof in just a few mouse clicks by patching all of the known windows security issues on your computer. Anti-Hacker Features: 1. Will disable Run as administrator 2. Converts your “administrator” account for …

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