Video surveillance can sure come in handy these days, regardless if you’re concerned about safety aspects, or wish to monitor other relevant elements. There
CameraFTP Virtual Security System :
Video surveillance can sure come in handy these days, regardless if you’re concerned about safety aspects, or wish to monitor other relevant elements. There are a multitude of ways of achieving that, but without proper hardware, achieving professional-grade CCTV or surveillance can be difficult. However, CameraFTP Virtual Security System is here to provide a different solution to such requirements, and allow you to rely on your PC and presumably more modest hardware for achieving similar surveillance capabilities.
The application comes featuring an accessible way of choosing your preferred camera device for the monitoring and recording process. Be it that you’re having an IP camera, a Webcam, or Video capture card, or even wish to perform screen recording with audio, selecting and setting up each is a breeze.
Each device type will welcome an array of tweaks and settings, which we found more than adequate for achieving a custom scene for the surveillance process.
Having connected your preferred device, you will then be able to customize the live view of the recording, and the app offers a simple and intuitive toggle system for the different layouts, therefore ensuring that you’ll be able to preview and switch between the different devices with ease.
Last but not least, a series of adjustments can be performed to the behavior of the app, as well as to the security aspects, and the aforementioned layout, which we feel completes the package nicely.
If video surveillance or monitoring is your cup of tea, but you’re having just your PC and Webcam or other recording devices, but wish to achieve a good performance, then CameraFTP Virtual Security System could very well be your recommended solution.
Thanks to MADARA release
(Cracked Silent Install Repack) x86
(Cracked Silent Install Repack) x64
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