Altium Designer

Altium Designer allows you to organize a through design process, ranging from the input of the electrical circuit in principle and ending with the formation of files for automatic mounting of components on the board. All documents related to the development of one product are combined into a common project, which allows you to manage complex developments as simply as possible.

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The most simplified implementation of the creation of hierarchical and multi-channel structures allows you to convert huge and complex schemes into a set of simple subdiagrams. Navigation tools allow you to track multi-exhibent connections between the sheets of a multi-leaf project. All sub-schemes of the hierarchical structure belong to a certain area on the board (Room) and combine circuit components in clusters of components on the board, and all tires on the diagram will be combined on the board in the chain class, which greatly simplifies the work of the designer. Working with a large set of project documents is simplified by the presence of a miniature viewing window that appears when the cursor is hovered on the name of the document in the project structure.

Similarly, when choosing a port on a multi-leaf scheme, miniature images of sheets containing the response parts of the selected port appear on the screen. When developing electrically principled schemes, it is possible to set the design parameters of the future board, for example, to form classes of chains and groups of components, as well as describe differential pairs. On the created classes of chains and differential pairs, you can directly set restrictive rules, such as the length and width of the conductor, as well as the impedance value.

All the objects of the scheme editor have custom settings, which allows them to adapt them to the requirements of any national standard, including GOST of the Russian Federation. The flexible ability to configure and create custom settings allows you to issue documentation in strict accordance with the requirements of GOST.

The program libraries contain more than 80000 components and are constantly updated, and it is possible to import ready-made libraries from PCAD 2000-2006.

In addition, it is possible to create your own libraries of symbols, seats, three-dimensional models and text SPICE-models for modeling. The component stored in the Altium Designer library has all the necessary information to solve design problems at all stages of design.

The library of components is needed, and after the Altium Designer activation of the key by the file you will be able to store it in the form of a database. At the same time, the description of the components is performed in the DBMS (alone all modern systems, MS SQL Server, Oracle, etc.), and the components to which the database refers are stored in individual libraries in the format suitable for the program. This approach provides the most complete control over the library and allows you to establish a relationship with other enterprise bases (warehouses, procurement).

The development of library elements can be carried out in the wizard mode, which allows you to consistently input information about the component to obtain a ready-made model with minimal time. The seating editor has an IPC Footprint Wizard master to create seats in accordance with IPC-7351. The character editor has a master XSpice Model Wizard to create Spice models.

The printed circuit board editor allows you to work both in classical form, with layered display of objects on the board, and in three-dimensional display mode. This opportunity is fundamentally new for programs of this class and destination. In Altium Designer, it is possible to open a ready-made reEU node with one or more boards installed in it for free and develop further a fee, taking into account its interconnection with mechanical parts and other boards.

Changes made to one of the cells of the boards or mechanical parts can be instantly transferred back to MCAD. Similarly, by fixing the hull part or board in the MCAD, by updating the models in the program, all changes are made to the board editor. In the board editor, you can constantly switch between the two-dimensional and three-dimensional mode, given the conjugate of the parts in the assembly and making changes to the plane of the board.

Language: English
Size: 3 GB –  Password : 123
OS: Windows x64
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