Software NXPowerLite Desktop allows you to compress PowerPoint presentations, Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, JPEG images up to 95%. After compression in the NXPowerLite Desktop files retain their original characteristics, the integrity of the visual content, the format, that is, they look and function the same as the original, but weigh less.
The NXPowerLite Desktop file compression program is corrected by eliminating excess data (outdated, temporary, metadata) and converting graphics into a document into the most effective file format or resolution. NXPowerLite Desktop Edition can convert files to Microsoft Office and integrate with the email client to automatically compress email attaches when sending. Compressing files with the NXPowerLite Desktop Edition makes the exchange of information faster and easier, helping to prevent the loss of documents attached to letters or unsuccessful mail delivery.
NXPowerLite Desktop Edition erasses unnecessary data from files and performs additional settings to optimize the document:
• Removal of metadata.
• Removal of “fare preservation” information.
• Conversion of imported images to optimal file formats.
• Adjustment of JPEG image quality (opternally).
• Changing the size of the images to the most suitable size (opcional).
• Removal of the carved image fragments (optional).
• Equating the documents invested in the file (oppositionally).
• Use in place with a ZIP application to optimize files that are already compressed and stored in the ZIP archive.
Supported file types:
• PDF Documents (*.pdf)
• Microsoft PowerPoint 97-2021 presentations (*.ppt; *.pptx; *.pps; *.pps; *.pps; *.ppsm; *.pps; *.ppa; *.ppam; *.ppam)
• Microsoft Word 97-2021 documents (*.doc; *.docx; *.dot; *.dot; *.dotm)
• Microsoft Excel 97-2021 spreadsheets (*.xls; *.xlsx; *.xls; *.xlsm; *.xlsm; *.xlsm; *.xlm; *.xlm; *.xlm; *.xlm; *.xlm; *.xlm; *.xlsm; *.xlsm; *.xlsm; *.xlsm; *.x
• JPEG images (*.jpg; *.jpeg; *.jpe; *.jf; *.jfic)
• PNG images (*.png)
• TIFF images (*.tiff; *.tiff)
OS: Windows 11/10/8/7 – x64
Download NXPowerLite Desktop 10.3.1 (50.4 MB):
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