Steganos Password Manager 18.0.3 Revision 12133

Steganos Password Manager- the program belongs to the German company Steganos, which is a software developer in the field of information protection. This software product is one of the components of the whole utilit package developed by Steganos to provide maximum data protection, namely Steganos Security Suite.

Each of us, visiting and using various Internet resources both in everyday life and in business, whether it is the use of e-mail, shopping in online stores, visiting forums, subscriptions to newsletters and much more, at least once had to fill out certain electronic forms (creating an account, registering a new mailbox, etc.) with mandatory creation of logins and passwords. Of course, for the most reliable protection of confidential information, it is necessary to use different passwords, respectively, there is a question of safe and convenient storage of all passwords used.

For these purposes, the Password Manager program was developed, which is a password manager that stores all credentials and PINs in a secure encrypted list. The password manager saves and fills passwords automatically, thanks to the use of plugins for Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrom, as well as on smartphones with iOS and Android applications in built-in web browsers. Using Password manager, you need to remember only one password – the password to access the program.

So, the main features of this software product include the following:
– secure storage of passwords in one encrypted list;
– generation of passwords with a maximum length of 100 characters, the use of Steganos PicPass technology (password in the form of a picture – passwords specified by the sequence of these pictures);
– storage of passwords for portable USB, allowing you to use passwords on another computer;
– sorting passwords for specified categories with the ability to search for the desired password;
– the ability to input the main password to the program using a virtual keyboard;
– data encryption using the AES algorithm (Advanced Encryption Algorithm);
– automatic input and storage of registration data;
– the ability to synchronize to update new and modified passwords;
– the ability to hide or display the required password;
– the ability to access the selected Internet resource directly from Password manager.

Access to Password manager is via an icon in the system three. In order to see the list of all passwords listed, you must dial the password to this utility. Password manager is an exceptionally safe and easy-using software solution that provides protection and secure storage of confidential information.

Developer: Steganos GmbH
License: ShareWare
Language: English
Size: 17.17 MB
OS: Windows
Download: Steganos Password Manager 18.0.3 Revision 12133 /

Password : rsload