Deluge 2.1.1

A fresh version of a good torrent client has been released, it is perfect for downloading files from the Network, Download Deluge Possibly below. Immediately note the pleasant interface that looks like other popular programs from this area. You can see the download percentage in the top window, and below you can see the details about the downloaded files.

After the torrent is added, you can choose which parts are worth loading and which are not, you can also choose the speed, you can put the limit and so on. The client starts quickly, adds files also quickly, the speed squeezes the maximum.

Deluge will allow you to view file data, full path to it, hash, how many files in line, the tracker from where the download, comments to the file and so on. On the left, you will be able to control your torrents, sort and filter them, and move them. In the settings, you can set the path where the default file will be saved, you can configure priorities and so on.

Deluge has Russian support, which of course we should be happy with you, consumes resources not so much, there is support for work through the proxy server, you can include plugins. The program is perfect for both beginners and experts.

Password : rsload
Language: Multi
Size: 74 MB
Download Delute 2.1.1 Free