With the discovery of flash security vulnerabilities one after another and the maturity of HTML5 technology, the glory of flash player has gradually come to an end. In 2017, Adobe announced that it will officially stop technical support for flash player on December 31 this year. It also announced that flash is officially dead! If flash stops being supported and we don’t want to use the special edition, but some web pages must rely on flash to run properly, what should we do? To be precise, Ruffle is an emulator plug-in that imitates flash operation.。
Software screenshot
Software features
Ruffle is an open source project that is currently maintained and developed by volunteers. A version is updated almost every day. It is not yet known when the official version will be released.!
Starting from 2021, most systems and browsers will no longer support the operation of flash. At that time, Ruffle may shine.!
Instructions for use
Open the downloaded ruffle_nightly_extension.zip file somewhere。
Navigate to chrome://extensions/
Turn on developer mode in the upper right corner。
Click “Load” “Unpack””。
Select the folder to extract the extension to。
Navigate to about:debugging。
Click on this Firefox。
Click Load temporary add-ons…
Select the .xpi you downloaded。
Windows desktop programs
If you want to run Flash content on your computer without a browser, we have native apps that can fully utilize your GPU and system resources to get extra frames when playing the original Meat Boy。
Currently this is just a command line application, but for ease of use we plan to develop a GUI for it soon. First, download the executable file for your operating system from our distribution。
To use an executable, just start with the path to the swf you want to play – it can be a local file or a URL to an online file. If you want to control how this file plays, we have more advanced options。
Download address
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