Biniware Run

Biniware Run gives you quick access to favorite links, files and page folders sites from one place. Simply drag and drop any website link, file or folder inside the color circle from your desktop computer. You can specify the category, move, sort, import, export or customize the shortcuts at any time.

Just drag and drop any website link, file or folder into the color circle from the computer to your desktop, and you can easily access everything you’re interested in using this very handy software. You can specify the category, move, sort, import, export or customize the shortcuts at any time. Instead of searching the web browser, file or folder from another through your computer, do the work and browse the web easier with your “Run Biniware”.

The shortcut keys are displayed with icons and shortcuts to execution support line parameters. This program can provide, and all the parameters are stored in an XML file, easy to modify for advanced users.

Download Biniware Run free in Russian (required – .NET 8.0)