QueueExplorer Pro 5.0.46 x64

QueueExplorer is a tool indispensable to work with queues and messages: understand and manage your system, find the error and fix it. Or you can use QueueExplorer to sort them by any field available. Because of the sort display the messages in another order with them will be handled, QueueExplorer more columns of Ms Ms # # so you can still see what is processed first.

The features of QueueExplorer

Move, copy or delete messages

  • Messages can be handled the same as in process explorer, use a drag-and-drop or clipboard. Multiple messages can be selected and active at the same time.

Save / load messages

  • One or a number of messages can be selected and saved to a file. Messages can be loaded later into the same queue to another on the same computer or different. This is very good for backup purposes or to save the message for later inspection.

Sort messages

  • Arrange them in any market available. Because of the sort display the messages in another order with them will be handled, QueueExplorer add column “Msg #” so you can still see what is processed first.

Filter / search messages

  • The message list can be filtered to quickly find one or more messages. Advanced filter related to various fields are also available.

See all the messages in the queue

  • QueueExplorer download the messages, constantly make it really fast to see the message on top while still download all of them in the background.

Rearrange messages

  • QueueExplorer can send messages to the following queues. Great if message top can not be processed (message exclusive) – move it to the rear and to the message waiting for other processing to be handled – and handled toxic after.

Auto refresh

  • QueueExplorer can do new queues and messages all the time in the background. Changed data will blink fast to easily see the changes.
Size: 36 MB
OS: Windows 7-11 x86 + x64
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